Transportation / Maintenance

Bus Transportation Rules

 Flinthills USD492 Bus Transportation Rules

  1.       Obey your bus driver and observe all bus transportation rules.

  2.       Be ready to board bus when the bus arrives.

  3.       Always stand a safe distance from the road when awaiting your bus.

  4.       When approaching or leaving your bus, if you must cross the road, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you.

  5.       The bus driver may assign seats.

  6.       Remain seated - no changing of seats without permission.

  7.       Be courteous.

  8.       No profanity.

  9.       Violence or destruction of property is prohibited.

10.       Radios are not to be played on the bus except at the driver’s discretion.

11.       Help keep the bus clean-do not litter!  Try to leave the bus cleaner than when you got on.       

12.       To avoid serious injury, keep your arms and head inside open windows at all times.

13.       Don’t clog the aisles with books and clothing that classmates could trip over.

14.       Avoid horseplay and excessive noise that can distract your driver.

15.       Leave emergency exits unblocked and accessible.  Use them only in emergencies.

16.       For your own safety, do not distract the driver through misbehavior.  Any bus riding problems should be discussed with the driver at the end of the morning route.

17.       Drink or food may not be taken on the regular school bus routes.

Violations of bus riding rules may be reported by the bus driver to the building principal and could result in disciplinary measures and possible loss of bus riding privileges. Generally the following action will take place, but more severe situations may result in immediate removal from bus riding privileges and/or additional disciplinary consequences.

First slip, warning, and phone call to parents

Second slip, warning, P.M. Detention and call to parents

Third slip, off the bus 3 days and call to parents

Fourth slip, off bus pending the outcome of parent conference with building principal, parent and bus driver

Bus drivers will communicate with the parents after each disciplinary report.